What speed cube method does Feliks Zemdegs use?

A Sagittarius and Melbourne resident, Zemdegs (also known as Faz) currently uses Gan 356 XS cube as his hardware of choice for competitions.

What is the best speed cube method?

The CFOP Method (Fridrich) is the most popular speedcubing method. First the bottom layer edges are solved, then the first two layers are filled in either using intuition or algorithms, and finally the top layer is solved in two steps: OLL then PLL.

How much does a speedcube cost?

Most of the highest-end speedcube cost only $15. Surprisingly, the type of 3×3 used to set the 5.25 World Record is available for just $9. (All prices taken from The Cubicle) Although the monetary demands are fairly low, time and patience are key.

Are all speed cubes made equally?

Not all cubes are made equally. Cubers require the best speed cube, whether they are practicing or playing competitively. We’re going to show you models that are designed for both. We have tested and reviewed 10 of the top performers to make your search easier. We would also like to share a couple of our favorites with you.

How to choose the right turning speed cubes for beginners?

Some fast turning speed cubes may be uncontrollable at first for beginners. Smooth turning speed cubes have more friction between their layers and give a nice smooth fluid feeling while also providing precise layer turns. These have a bit more resistance when turning them but this will give you more control over your speed cube.

What is the best cube for Speed Cubing?

Corner cutting is of course incredible, it doesn’t pop, corner twists don’t happen and the cube performance is fantastic for speed cubing. The GAN 356 XS speed cube was used by Felix Zemdegs to break the world record for the average 3×3 solve in Australia 2019 competition.