What time to see penguins Lillico Beach?

The best time to arrive is just after sunset. Wear warm, dark clothing and please do not use white lights or flash photography on the platform. Please also note there is no toilet at the platform; the nearest public toilets are at Turners Beach.

Where can I see penguins in Devonport?

Lillico Beach
Lillico Beach is a coastal reserve and penguin colony near Devonport in north-west Tasmania. Just ten minutes west of Devonport, this narrow coastal strip is home to a colony of Little Penguins, also known as Fairy Penguins.

Where can I see penguins in Launceston?

Best spots to see little penguins Lillico Beach near Devonport (tours September to May and December to February). Low Head near George Town (nightly tours from the coastal reserve). Bicheno has nightly tours year-round.

How far is penguin from Launceston?

Location. Penguin is a breathtaking 15-minute drive east of Burnie along the coast. It’s only 31 kilometers and 22 minutes along the coast from Devonport by car. It’ll take you over 1.5 hours to drive the 131 kilometers from Launceston.

What time do penguins come ashore Tasmania?

Penguins come ashore in their greatest numbers during the breeding season which, happily, coincides with the main tourist season from October to April.

Where can I see free penguins in Tasmania?

Best spots to see little penguins Burnie at the Little Penguin Observation Centre on Parsonage Point (tours September to March). Lillico Beach near Devonport (tours September to May and December to February). Low Head near George Town (nightly tours from the coastal reserve). Bicheno has nightly tours year-round.

What can I do in Penguin?

Five Things to Do in Penguin

  • Little Penguins.
  • Penguin Market.
  • Dial Range.
  • Penguin Miniature Railway.
  • Parks and Gardens.

What time do little blue penguins come ashore?

During the breeding season, they generally come to shore at dusk and leave at dawn. Onshore they are often quite noisy, and you may hear their loud screams, wails, trumpeting and deep growls when they come ashore at night.

Where can I see platypus in Tasmania?

Other great places to see a platypus in Tasmania in the wild

  • Geeveston Platypus Walk (Kermandie River)
  • Tasmania Arboretum (Devonport)
  • Northeast Park (Scottsdale)
  • Little Pine Lagoon (Central Highlands)
  • Cradle Mountain – Ronny Creek (more common) and Dove Lake (less common)
  • Platypus Bay (Lake St Clair)
  • Snug Falls.