What type of metamorphism is caused by deep burial?

Burial metamorphism occurs when sediments are buried deeply enough that the heat and pressure cause minerals to begin to recrystallize and new minerals to grow, but does not leave the rock with a foliated appearance.

What is regional metamorphism?

Regional metamorphism is metamorphism that occurs over broad areas of the crust. Most regionally metamorphosed rocks occur in areas that have undergone deformation during an orogenic event resulting in mountain belts that have since been eroded to expose the metamorphic rocks.

What rock is formed by regional metamorphism?

Thus, regional metamorphism usually results in forming metamorphic rocks that are strongly foliated, such as slates, schists, and gniesses. The differential stress usually results from tectonic forces that produce compressional stresses in the rocks, such as when two continental masses collide.

What is a burial metamorphism?

Burial Metamorphism (Fig. 8.3): occurs when sedimentary rocks that had undergone diagenesis are buried even deeper. Diagenesis grades into burial metamorphism, a relatively mild type of metamorphism resulting from the heat and pressure exerted by overlying sediments and sedimentary rocks.

Where does regional Dynamothermal metamorphism usually take place?

It takes place at deeper regions of the crust and is, as the name already signifies, of regional extent. The different types of regional dynamothermal metamorphism are confined to areas of mountain building, so that metamorphism as well as orogenesis ought to be regarded as due to “one and the same process”. 1)

Which type of metamorphism is driven by a change in temperature when magma invades host rock?

Contact metamorphism
Contact metamorphism occurs adjacent to igneous intrusions and results from high temperatures associated with the igneous intrusion. Since only a small area surrounding the intrusion is heated by the magma, metamorphism is restricted to the zone surrounding the intrusion, called a metamorphic or contact aureole.

How is regional metamorphism formed?

Regional Metamorphism of Carbonate Rocks. Regional metamorphism develops in orogenic belts where lithospheric plates converged during plate tectonic process. The affected rocks undergo simultaneous changes in P-T and shearing stress for periods of a few million years.

What is regional metamorphism caused by?

Regional metamorphism is caused by large geologic processes such as mountain-building. These rocks when exposed to the surface show the unbelievable pressure that cause the rocks to be bent and broken by the mountain building process. Regional metamorphism usually produces foliated rocks such as gneiss and schist.