What was politically happening in the 1930s?

The country also had small, vocal groups of socialists, communists, American fascists, and Nazi sympathizers, all of whom added to the debates. The sheer number of voices trying to be heard made the 1930s a dramatic decade in American politics. Herbert Hoover became president in 1929.

What movement was in the 1930s?

Also in Latin America Symbolism and Magic Realism were important movements. In Europe during the 1930s and the Great Depression, Surrealism, late Cubism, the Bauhaus, De Stijl, Dada, German Expressionism, Symbolist and modernist painting in various guises characterized the art scene in Paris and elsewhere.

Who were the most affected by the Great Depression?

In the Great Plains, one of the worst droughts in history left the land barren and unfit for growing even minimal food to live on. The country’s most vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, and those subject to discrimination, like African Americans, were the hardest hit.

What did the Communist Party do in the 1930s?

The Communist Party devoted much of its energy in the Great Depression to organizing the unemployed, attempting to found “red” unions, championing the rights of African Americans and fighting evictions of farmers and the working poor.

What was happening socially in the 1930s?

Innovation and increased efficiency at home and at work allowed for more leisure time and people embraced cultural and social pursuits such as literature, film, music and partying. Women were also gaining their independence and making their mark outside the home.

Which groups were hardest hit by the Great Depression?

The country’s most vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, and those subject to discrimination, like African Americans, were the hardest hit. Most white Americans felt entitled to what few jobs were available, leaving African Americans unable to find work, even in the jobs once considered their domain.

How did the Great Depression affect minorities?

With the onset of the Depression in late 1929, minorities began losing jobs at a high rate. By 1932 the unemployment rate for blacks was over 50 percent, ranging up to 75 percent in some communities.

What did classism look like in the 1930’s?

American society during the 1930s was split into three main classes: Lower class, Middle class, and the Upper class. While the majority of the upper class continued to live lavishly, the lower class, consisting of mainly struggling laborers and almost all African Americans, definitely suffered the most.