What was the flood level in Ipswich 2011?

LATEST: The Bremer River peaked at 13.9 metres at about 9.30pm in Ipswich on Monday, almost five metres below the 19.4 metre peak in 2011. LATEST: In Ipswich, major flood levels recorded a 13.9 metre peak at about 9:30pm Monday. This is below the January 2011 flood peak of 19.4 metres.

What years did Ipswich flood?

Ipswich flood “55 feet above the ordinary height of the Bremer”. (From Queensland Times, Ref1.) “The water rose 70 feet at Ipswich and no such flood again seen until the 1893 trouble. In the floods of 1857, 1863, 1864, 1870 the water rose 45 feet to 50 feet in Ipswich.

Is Ipswich flood prone?

Ipswich’s subtropical climate makes it susceptible to weather that can cause flooding from rivers, creeks and overland flow. As such, floods usually occur across the summer months of December to March where the city typically receives half of its average annual rainfall (900mm).

Does East Ipswich flood?

The City of Ipswich is no stranger to floods. Our first was recorded in 1824 by explorer John Oxley – with more recent floods occurring in 1974, 2011 and 2013.

Is Ipswich a good place to live?

Reinvented by investment in its extremely popular waterfront region as well as the introduction of the University of Suffolk in 2007. One of the fastest-growing economies in the UK, Ipswich is certainly making a name for itself and is emerging as one of the best places to live in the country in 2021.

What are the low lying areas of Ipswich?

Other low lying areas likely to be impacted include Black Snake Creek, Deebing Creek, Goodna Creek, Purga Creek, Six Mile Creek, Creek, Upper Bremer River (Walloon and westward), Woogaroo Creek, Western Creek. Ipswich City Council advises that the Rosewood Detention Basin on Masons Gully is spilling.

Does the Bremer River flood?

The headwaters of the Bremer River and Warrill Creek rise in the Macpherson Ranges. Heavy rainfall in these areas can cause major flooding of agricultural and rural areas as well as widespread traffic hazards and disruptions.