What would be a good thesis statement for smoking?

TRIPLE POINT THESIS STATEMENT: Quitting smoking is good for your health because it will improve lung function, decrease your risk of developing heart disease, and lower your risk of getting lung cancer.

What is the hypothesis of cigarette smoking?

Our findings raise the hypothesis that exposure to cigarette smoke during adolescence may increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer. The hypothesis has biologic plausibility: cigarette smoke contains known carcinogens, and the developing breast is especially susceptible to cancer initiation.

What 3 problems can be caused by smoking?

Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis.

What are the causes of hypothesis?

Hypothesis Terms & Definitions

Terms Definitions
Hypothesis a specific, testable prediction
Variables a relationship between two things being tested
Independent variable happens first and can be considered the cause of any changes in the outcome
Dependent variable the outcome

What is the cause and effect of smoking essay?

Cause and Effect Essay (Smoking Cigarettes) Essay. Smoking causes damage to the internal body, causing alterations to the quality of internal organs. For example, smoking affects the lung by damaging the air sac. Damaging the air sac limits the passageway of air, and progressively leads to emphysema.

Why is it important to study the effects of smoking?

The thorough understanding of the chemical as well as smoking internal and external effects of the body are important in order to to battle the issue facing the entire nation. Lee, Joann, and Bonnie L. Halpern-Felsher. “What Does It Take To Be A Smoker?

How does smoking lead to social problems?

Smoking can lead to social problems because it causes bad breath, and odorous smell and often isolation. Every time the smoker speaks, a pungent smell emanates from the mouth and towards the listener. Smoking also causes a pungent smell to linger on the body and clothes of the smoker. The smoking smell is very strong and it affects the listener.

What is the main cause of smoking?

Second main cause of smoking is “psychological” (MENTAL) which seems to be a very important factor for people to get the habit. In many cases, smoking is started at a young age due to high blood pressure, tobacco. Many people who start smoking have a family member or close friend who smokes.