When conjugated on the verb chart pulire is an example of an?

He is a tutor of Italian language and culture. Pulire is a regular third-conjugation Italian verb meaning to clean, polish, or clear. It is a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object. It is also an -ire type verb….INDICATIVE/INDICATIVO.

io pulisco
tu pulisci
lui, lei, Lei pulisce
noi puliamo

Is Finire essere or avere?

Verbs like cambiare or finire can use both the auxiliaries essere and avere, depending on their function. And they are not the only ones. In Italian, several verbs use both the auxiliaries essere and avere depending on whether they are used in a transitive or intransitive way.

Are conjugated in Italian?

The first conjugation The present tense of a regular Italian verb in -are is formed by dropping the infinitive ending (-are) and adding the appropriate endings to the resulting root (-o, -i, -a, -iamo, -ate, -ano).

What is it called when a verb is not conjugated?

participles. A participle is a special verb form that is derived from the infinitive but is not conjugated. In other words, while conjugations come in paradigms of six forms according to six different persons, participles have only two forms, named according to their uses: the present participle and the past participle …

What is the conjugation of finire?

In its transitive uses, finire is conjugated in compound tenses with the auxiliary avere and it has an outside direct object receiving the action: a project, homework, a job, money or resources.

What is the meaning of Infinito Presente finire?

The infinito presente finire is often used in its sostantivato form as a noun: the end of something, particularly the end of a season or a day. 1. Sul finire dell’estate partimmo per il mare. 2. Non è importante finire primi; è importante fare un buon lavoro.

What is the tu form of the imperative?

The “tu” form of the imperative keeps the “s” of the normal indicative form in front of “y” or “en”, so we get “vas-y”, “manges-en”, etc. (If you look back up at the lesson, it has “Va au lit !”

How to respond to an impératif in French?

In order to give a good response, let’s take at look at the verb «aller» in the impératif : If I say to someone, «let’s go» then the impératif phrase is «Allons-y» which uses the first person plural. By the same logic «let’s finish our homework» again I would be speaking to someone like a study partner, perhaps.