When should you Overbet a turn?

There are three main scenarios where overbetting is appropriate: When have the nut advantage (more very strong hands than our opponent). When our opponents range is capped (in other words, he has no/few very strong hands). When the turn (or river) card is a brick.

What is a good continuation bet percentage?

Good opponents will usually have a fold to continuation bet somewhere around 42%–57% at the lower stakes.

How do you do a continuation bet?

A continuation bet—also known as a c-bet—is a bet made by the player who made the last aggressive action on the previous street. This process starts with a player making the final raise preflop and then firing the first bet on the flop.

When should I overbet in poker?

Ideally, you want to overbet when you block the strong hands that your opponent can consider calling with.

When should you Overbet flop?

No check/raise on the flop and no lead on the turn, plus your range advantage, makes this a good spot to overbet as the bluffs will work much more often. The classic out of position overbet situation is when you defend a raise and get a favourable flop for your defending range, then the flop goes check check.

Should you always bet continuation?

You Wish to Balance Your Play Finally, as with everything in poker, you should strive not to perform any action so consistently that you can be easily exploited by attentive opponents. Don’t continuation bet every time you’ve raised preflop, but also don’t choose only to c-bet in certain, easy-to-read situations.

How big should your c-bet be?

Even very competent players fumble their c-bet sizes. For instance, many live players are fond of betting either half- or two-thirds pot, habitually, and no matter the situation. Nowadays, anywhere between 25–100% of the pot is a reasonable c-bet.

Is a continuation bet a bluff?

As the game continues to mature, players are used to facing more c-bets and thus fold less. They understand that the c-bet is often a bluff and have widened their calling range, up to and including calling with near-air, hoping that you give up on the turn and a bet from them will take the pot away.

Do you bet after the turn?

The fourth community card, called the turn, is dealt face-up following all betting action on the flop. Once this has been completed, another round of betting occurs, similar to that on the previous street of play. Again players have the option to options to check, bet, call, fold, or raise.

Can you reraise in poker?

The rules of poker dictate that the minimum re-raise size has to be at least the amount of the previous raise. For example, if your opponent bets $20 on the flop, any re-raise must be at least $20 more, or $40 total.

When should you not CBet?

Five Reasons Not to Continuation Bet in No-Limit Hold’em

  • You Missed the Flop.
  • You Are Out of Position.
  • You Face Multiple Opponents.
  • Your Lone Opponent Is Aggressive.
  • You Wish to Balance Your Play.