When was Appna founded?

The Association of Physicians of Pakistani-descent of North America (APPNA) was founded in 1977 to bring all the physicians of Pakistani decent under one umbrella to address their professional and social concerns.

What does Appna stand for?

The Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APPNA) is an American nonprofit organization headquartered in Westmont, Illinois, United States.

How many Pakistani doctors are in the US?

17,000 doctors
There are more than 17,000 doctors practicing medicine in America who are of Pakistani descent.

How can a Pakistani doctor work in UK?

Pathways for Pakistani Doctors to work in UK

  1. The PLAB method. Pass ILETS , get the required marks and give PLAB one and two.
  2. The MRCP way. Pass MRCP one, two (both can be given in Pakistan)-
  3. The MTI way.
  4. PLAB.
  5. Post graduate qualifications.
  6. GMC sponsorship.

Is Pakistan good for doctors?

He apprised that the Pakistani national doctors in USA are having a very good repute and are considered the best doctors. He added that he is very impressed that Pakistan is getting more advancement in the field of medicine and system of medical dental education and its standard is at par with the west.

Is Indian MBBS valid in UK?

United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is the topmost country where an Indian MBBS Degree is valid.

What is the ranking of Pakistan in world?


List World Ranking Source
GDP (PPP) 18/229 CIA World Factbook
GDP (PPP) per capita 110/213 World Bank
Global Competitiveness Index 110/137 World Economic Forum
Financial Development Index 58/62 World Economic Forum

Which countries accept Pakistan medical license?

The move was first taken by Saudi Arabia, an Islamic country which Pakistan considers valuable ally. The other countries which followed suit are Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Some other governments from Arab world might follow the same in upcoming days.

Which country is best for Pakistani doctors?

We have compiled 10 countries for you where doctors are at least not offended by money.

  • the USA. The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 370,000.
  • Canada. The average annual salary for a specialist – $ 338,000.
  • Australia.
  • the Netherlands.
  • Belgium.
  • Ireland.
  • France.
  • Switzerland.