Where are Atlas cedars from?

Cedrus atlantica, the Atlas cedar, is a species of tree in the pine family Pinaceae, native to the Atlas Mountains of Morocco (Middle Atlas, High Atlas), to the Rif, and to the Tell Atlas in Algeria.

Where do Atlas cedar trees grow?

northwest Africa
The Atlas cedar was introduced into this country in 1845. It is named after the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa, where you can find the tree in its natural habitat.

What is special about the cedar of Lebanon?

The cedar is known for its longevity and resistance to decay. Similarly, Mary’s sinlessness is an expression of immortality and absence of bodily degeneration. The cedar is a tall and noble tree. It becomes thus a symbol for Mary’s considerable spiritual stature, excellence and human perfection in God.

Are there cedar trees in the Middle East?

A Lebanon cedar is an evergreen tree native to the Middle East, particularly Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. In these countries, it grows mainly in areas of high altitude.

How can you tell an Atlas cedar?

Atlas cedar identification is by the glaucous bluish-green clumps of needles growing on aromatic stems. The barrel-shaped cones have smooth scales and are shorter than other cedars—yellow before maturing to dark brown. You can identify the Atlas cedar by its dark-brown or gray bark that fissures as it grows.

How long do Atlas cedars live?

Its texture is medium to fine. The growth rate can be up to 24″ per year. This long-lived tree has been known to survive up to 150 years.

How long do Atlas cedar trees live?

The growth rate can be up to 24″ per year. This long-lived tree has been known to survive up to 150 years.

Are there still great cedars in Lebanon?

Many thousands of square kilometers of forest once spread across most of Lebanon’s highlands. Only 17 square kilometers of cedars remain, in scattered groves. The country’s most famous cedar patch, sometimes called the Cedars of God, has been fenced off for preservation since 1876.

What happened to the Cedars of Lebanon?

use in ancient construction Medieval… Great forests of cedars of Lebanon (Cedrus libani), for example, were virtually eliminated during early historic times in lumbering operations for such purposes as the construction of King Solomon’s great temple and palace.

Does Lebanon have cedar forests?

Today, the Bulk of the Cedar trees are located on the Arz Mountains in Lebanon. The site is well protected and cherished as UNESCO named the forest one of the World Heritage sites. Cedars are definitely another source of pride for the Lebanese, as the forests remind the people of the great heritage they hail from.

Are there any cedars in Lebanon?

The Cedars of God (Arabic: أرز الربّ Arz al-Rabb “Cedars of God”), located in the Kadisha Valley of Bsharre, Lebanon, are one of the last vestiges of the extensive forests of the Lebanon cedar that anciently thrived across Mount Lebanon.

Is Atlas cedar true cedar?

In total, there are only four recognized species of cedar – the Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica), the Cyprus cedar (C. brevifolia), the deodar cedar (C. deodara), and the Lebanon cedar (C. libani).