Where are AudioQuest products made?

The Audioquest factory in Roosendaal in the Netherlands receives reels of cables that are then cut and assembled.

Where is AudioQuest located?

Irvine, California
AudioQuest is based in Irvine, California, has offices in the Netherlands and distributes its products to approximately 65 countries throughout the world.

What gauge is AudioQuest type 4?

four solid, pure copper conductors. two 17-gauge and two 20-gauge for full-range signal transfer.

Where are Nordost cables made?

the USA
All Nordost products are manufactured at their facilities in the USA. Nordost produces five ranges of cable products (Lifestyle, Leif, Norse 2, Valhalla 2, Odin Supreme Reference). In addition to power cables and interconnect cable, digital cable and loudspeaker the company also manufactures the QRT line of products.

Is Kimber Kable worth it?

Kimber Kable 8TC speaker cable is one of the most outstanding high-end audio values today and has been featured in Stereophile as a “Recommended Component.” And that’s quite a recommendation. Kimber Kable 8TC speaker cable has honored with numerous inclusions in The Absolute Sound High-End Audio Buyer’s Guide.

Are Kimber cables directional?

Kimber Kables are not directional, but as said above, it is recommended that the name badge end is connected to the output component.

Does AudioQuest have a counterfeit problem?

One of the unfortunate consequences of building a successful premium brand is the appearance of counterfeit products. AudioQuest is not immune to this problem. While we make every effort to combat counterfeiting, we continue to see various products being sold as “AudioQuest” that are NOT genuine.

Are AudioQuest cables made in China?

Audioquest cables would be assembled by Chinese workers, but the design and parts and control of directionality, everything else, is Audioquest in an Audioquest plant. That’s hardly the same thing as Chinese products. So give a break.

Does AudioQuest honour warranties on products purchased through unauthorised online marketplaces?

AudioQuest can neither honour the warranties of products nor provide any level of support for products purchased through unauthorised online Marketplaces. If you have any concerns please contact your local distributor, or AudioQuest to establish if the seller is authorised. Think you purchased a counterfeit?

How do I purchase AudioQuest from the Amazon store?

To visit the official AudioQuest Amazon Store, click here. To verify that a dealer is authorized to sell AudioQuest before purchasing, click here. AudioQuest can neither honour the warranties of products nor provide any level of support for products purchased through unauthorised online Marketplaces.