Where can you park for free in Edinburgh?

Five places you can park for free in Edinburgh city centre

  • St Margaret’s Loch. St Margaret’s Loch in Edinburgh with the car park in the background (Image: Jim Barton / Creative Commons)
  • Tesco Canonmills.
  • Meadowbank Shopping Centre.
  • Waitrose Comely Bank.
  • Pilrig Street and surrounds.

Is there free parking at Edinburgh park?

The good news is that, beyond the Centre, parking is largely free in Edinburgh. The bad news is that because it’s free, it can be a bit tricky to find a parking space sometimes. Once you’re about a third of the way down Leith Walk, restrictions don’t apply.

Are parking charges in Edinburgh suspended?

In March 2020, the council announced that all on-street pay and display parking bays in Edinburgh would be suspended, with charges returning at the end of June.

Can I park on the street in Edinburgh?

Parking zones are indicated on street by large zone entry signs that denote the zone number and times that parking is restricted….Public parking in Edinburgh by zones.

Area Zone Hours
Main Roads Main Traffic Routes Monday to Friday 9.15am to 4.30pm Saturday 8am to 6.30pm

What time is parking free in Edinburgh?

Free Parking in Edinburgh after 6pm and on Sundays

Free Parking in Edinburgh after 6 pm Free to Park
Albany Street 6.30 pm to 8.30 am 6.30 pm to 12.30 pm
Forth Street 6.30 pm to 8.30 am All-day
Gayfield Street 5.30 pm to 8.30 am All-day
East London Street 5.30 pm to 8.30 am All-day

Is parking easy in Edinburgh?

Unfortunately, parking in Edinburgh is not an easy matter. As has already been said, there are no allowances for tourists, and no allowances for tourists with disabilities.

What time do traffic wardens start in Edinburgh?

Always check the relevant ticket machine and signs to ensure you pay the correct price as there may be variations in these areas….Public parking in Edinburgh by zones.

Area Zone Hours
Main Roads Main Traffic Routes Monday to Friday 9.15am to 4.30pm Saturday 8am to 6.30pm

How much is a parking fine in Edinburgh?

How much is a parking ticket in Edinburgh? A Penalty Charge Notice from Edinburgh Council can currently cost the motorist between £60 and £120 based on the seriousness of the contravention.

Is parking free in Edinburgh after 6pm?

Free Parking in Edinburgh after 6pm and on Sundays. Free Parking in central Edinburgh can be had in many locations after 6 pm and often all day on Sundays. Please remember to check the sign before leaving your vehicle in the restricted parking zones in Edinburgh.