Where did liturgical drama take place?

the church
liturgical drama, in the Middle Ages, type of play acted within or near the church and relating stories from the Bible and of the saints. Although they had their roots in the Christian liturgy, such plays were not performed as essential parts of a standard church service.

Where did medieval theatre take place?

Their plays were performed in the great hall of a nobleman’s residence, often with a raised platform at one end for the audience and a “screen” at the other for the actors. Also important were Mummers’ plays, performed during the Christmas season, and court masques.

What two places were always depicted on pageant wagons were the plays were performed?

It states that the pageant wagons were wooden structures with two rooms. They contained both a higher room where the play was performed and a lower room where the players changed clothing.

Why were liturgical plays outside?

As these plays became longer and more popular, they started to be performed outdoors with purpose built temporary staging and costumes to attract a larger audience.

What is secular drama?

Secular Plays were most often performed by professional actors attached to noble horses. Secular Theatre developed from the Roman traditions of spectacle. Secular Theatre- all theatre that was not religious. Secular Theatre developed once cycles plays had been developed in the communities of Western Europe.

Who wrote liturgical drama?

Young’s two-volume monumental work about the medieval church was especially influential. It was published in 1933 and is still read today, even though his theories have been rejected for more than 40 years.

What was the set called in Greek Theatre?

skene, (from Greek skēnē, “scene-building”), in ancient Greek theatre, a building behind the playing area that was originally a hut for the changing of masks and costumes but eventually became the background before which the drama was enacted. First used c.

What is neoclassical theater?

Neoclassical theatre — often spelled as theater — refers to a movement in the mid-17th to early-18th centuries in which the theatrical arts were defined by the ideas and styles of ancient Greek and Roman societies.

Is Shakespeare a medieval theatre?

What Shakespeare read. ‘Medieval Shakespeare’ extends not just to his theatre, but to his reading, and to what he wrote about. Not only his plays on English history, but Macbeth, Hamlet and Lear draw on history or legendary history as it was carried forward from the Middle Ages.

What were the stage sets and scenery like in the Elizabethan theater?

The staging arrangements were almost identical to those in contemporary London. The stage itself was a raised platform, without a front curtain or a proscenium arch but with a permanent facade at the back. Stages were about 28 feet long and 23 to 30 feet deep.