Where do I find my SF-50?

If you recently left your federal job, contact your former agency personnel office. If it’s been more than 30 days since you left, you need to contact the Federal Records Center, http://www.archives.gov/frc/. The FRC is the depository for official personnel folders of former federal service employees.

How do I get my TSA SF-50?

Former federal civilian employees (the person of record) may obtain copies of most civilian and personnel medical records on file at the National Personnel Records Center, including copies of the Standard Form 50 (Personnel Action) via written request.

How do I access eOPF from home?

The eOPF web address is https://eopf.opm.gov/dot/.

Who fills out the SF 50 form?

The person who fills out an SF-50 for you is typically a department supervisor. She gets the information from your personnel records or prior SF-50s filled out on your behalf. To get a copy of your SF-50 when you are a current federal employee, you can make a request to your human resources office.

Do I need an SF-50?

If you worked for the federal government in the past as a civilian employee and you want to return to federal employment, you probably need to access your SF-50 form. The SF-50 Notification of Personnel Action contains information about your past government employment and of any actions taken against you.

What is TSA document SF-50?

The SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action Form is a very important document. It is your written documentation of a personnel action that affects your position or pay. Keep it with your records because it could be used to make employment, pay, and qualifications decisions about you in the future.

Can I access my eOPF from my home computer?

You can easily access, view and/or print documents from your eOPF from your home computer.

How do I check my eOPF?

Appropriated Fund (AF) and NAF employees can gain access to eOPF by following their respective login links. The login URL for AF employees is https://eopf.opm.gov/Army/ and the login URL for NAF employees is https://eopf.opm.gov/armynaf/.

How do I fill out a SF-50 application?

Include the following in your request:

  1. Full name (the one you used during your federal employment)
  2. Social security number.
  3. Date of birth.
  4. A list of all federal agencies where you an employee, with addresses, and dates of your employment (to the extent known)