Where do they inject the dye for a stress test?

During a nuclear stress test. Before you start the test, a nurse or technician inserts an IV line into your arm and injects the radiotracer (also called a radiopharmaceutical). The radiotracer may feel cold when it’s first injected into your arm. It takes a few minutes for your heart cells to absorb the radiotracer.

How is the dye injected for a nuclear stress test?

Before you start the test, a technician inserts an intravenous (IV) line into your arm and injects a radioactive dye (radiopharmaceutical or radiotracer). The radiotracer may feel cold when it’s first injected into your arm. It takes about 20 to 40 minutes for your heart cells to absorb the radiotracer.

How long does it take for radiation to leave your body after stress test?

The radioactive liquid will be in your body for 24 to 36 hours after your test. You will need to do the following: Drink plenty of liquids as directed. This will help flush the radioactive liquid out of your body.

What does a stress test with dye show?

A nuclear stress test shows your physician pictures of the blood flow to the heart muscle, in addition to the EKG, heartrate and blood pressure. In order to take the pictures of your heart, you will receive an injection of a radioactive tracer through an IV.

How long does it take to do a stress test with dye?

The test takes about 3 to 4 hours. Although the patient is exposed to a small amount of radiation, the test is considered safe.

Can I be near people after a nuclear stress test?

Yes, you can be around pregnant women and children after most nuclear medicine scans. Almost all of the radiation will be gone from your body by the morning after your scan. We recommend you avoid spending extended hours in close proximity with pregnant women and small children, such as sleeping overnight next to them.

Can I drive myself home after a nuclear stress test?

You will not be allowed to eat or drink until the medicine used to numb your throat wears off. This usually takes 30 to 60 minutes. You may not drive yourself home after your test. Before coming for your test, arrange for someone to take you home afterwards.