Where is Hadhramaut found?

Hadhramaut, also spelled Hadramout, Arabic Ḥaḍramawt, region in east-central Yemen, on the Gulf of Aden. The region comprises a hilly area near the coast and an inland valley occupied by a seasonal watercourse, the Wadi Ḥaḍramawt, that runs parallel to the coast before turning southeastward to reach the sea.

When was Hadhramaut a country?

Narrowly, Hadhramaut refers to the historical Qu’aiti and Kathiri sultanates, which were in the Aden Protectorate overseen by the British Resident at Aden until their abolition upon the independence of South Yemen in 1967….Mountains.

Hadhramaut Mountains
Country Yemen
Region Middle East

What does Hadhramaut mean in English?

Hadhramaut in British English or Hadramaut (ˌhɑːdrəˈmɔːt ) a plateau region of the S Arabian Peninsula, in SE Yemen on the Indian Ocean; formerly in South Yemen: corresponds roughly to the former East Aden Protectorate.

How many provinces are there in Yemen?

21 provinces
Yemen is divided administratively to 21 provinces, including Amanat al-Asma and Rayma provinces which established in 2004. Yemeni provinces are divided to 333 districts, which also divided to is divided by (2200) towns and zones, as well as (36986) villages and (91489) neighbors.

Who are Chaush people?

The Chaush are Muslim community of Hadhrami Arab descent found in the Deccan region of India. The name is believed to originate from the Turkish word Chiaus used during the Ottoman era of the Balkans for military officers who were often tasked with guarding palaces.

Is Yemeni Arabic?

Yemeni Arabic is broadly part of the Gulf Arabic language family, but it is more closely related to the Southern Peninsular Arabic spoken in parts of Saudi Arabia and Oman. As with any language, even in countries as small as Yemen, one may also find more sub-dialects spoken throughout its 21 governorates.