Where is the peroneus brevis located?

lower leg
Peroneus Brevis (also known as Fibularis Brevis) is a short muscle that lies in the lateral part of the lower leg deep to the Peroneus Longus. It is one of the three ankle everters known as the peroneus muscles (Pernoeus Longus, Peroneus Brevis and Peroneus Tertius).

How do you test for Peroneals?

To test the strength of the peroneus brevis, one should pronate the subtalar joint and abduct the forefoot on the rearfoot. Ask the patient to hold the foot in this position while you place one hand on the lateral side of the forefoot and the other hand on the medial side of the leg, and push both hands together.

What movement does the peroneus brevis perform?

The peroneus brevis, sometimes called the fibularis brevis muscle, is the shorter and smaller of two lateral leg muscles running down the outer sides of each lower leg. This muscle is important for walking, running, and standing on your toes, among other activities.

Can you palpate peroneus longus?

Peroneus Longus Muscle and Tendon. Ask the patient to wear shorts and remove shoes and socks. Palpation on the skin also is possible by lifting long pants above the knee. Lateral or anteriolateral to the patient.

How is peroneal tendon subluxation diagnosed?

One test involves holding pressure down on the ankle as you pull your foot up and out. Our Physical or Occupational Therapist feels behind the fibula during this test to determine if the tendons are popping out of place.

Why does my peroneus brevis muscle hurt?

Peroneal tendon inflammation can develop over time with repetitive overuse of the tendons. Or it might happen suddenly due to an acute ankle injury like a sprain. The tendons or the lubricated sheath that surrounds the tendons can swell, making it hard for them to move smoothly.

What causes peroneus brevis pain?

What causes a peroneus brevis tendon strain? Peroneal tendon ruptures usually happen following a traumatic event, such as an ankle sprain. As your foot inverts (turns inwards) it can over stretch your muscle. As a result, the tendon tears.

How do you find the peroneus longus?

The peroneus longus courses down the lateral aspect of your lower leg and attaches around the lateral foot and on the bottom of your foot. When it contracts, it moves your ankle into eversion. This motion is when your ankle moves to the side towards your smallest toe.