Where should grip be on lat pulldown?

The Perfect Lat Pulldown Form:

  • Grasp the handles slightly wider than shoulder-width with a closed, overhand grip.
  • Keep your torso and spine in a neutral position with a slight backward lean (approximately 10-15o backward should do the trick).
  • Exhale while pulling the bar down toward the upper chest.

Should lat pulldown be in front or behind head?

Should you pull down in front or behind your head? There was no difference in muscular activity for the latissimus dorsi when comparing the three variations. The study concluded that when the primary objective of a lat pull down is considered the front of the head is a better choice than behind the head.

What muscles do close grip lat pulldowns work?

Close grip lat pulldowns are an effective exercise for training the upper back musculature, specifically the rhomboids, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi. This makes it a great option for those with strength and size-related goals for their back.

Which is better behind the neck or in front lat pulldown?

Looking at the evidence, the front pull-down is the clear-cut winner when compared to the rear version. Not only is the muscle activation to the latissimus dorsi similar or better when performing the exercise to the front, the risk of potential shoulder injuries, neck injuries, or nerve injuries is also reduced.

Why do people do lat pull downs behind their head?

People opt for the behind the neck lat pulldown because of the specific movement. It activates many of the muscles in your back like a standard pulldown but also activates your shoulder muscles. If performed correctly, it can help strengthen your upper body and improve your overall functionality.

Why you shouldn’t do lat pulldowns behind your head?

Increased Risk of Shoulder Injury If you pull the bar down with your arms too far behind your head, it will overstretch your rotator cuff muscles in your shoulder, which are essential to support your shoulders. Without the support of the rotator cuffs, you are much more likely to injure your shoulder.