Which countries have adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law?

Status: UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency (1997)

  • Australia. 2008.
  • Bahrain. 2018.
  • Benin. 2015. (b)
  • Brazil. 2020.
  • Burkina Faso. 2015. (b)
  • Cameroon. 2015. (b)
  • Canada. 2005.
  • Central African Republic. 2015. (b)

Is India signatory to UNCITRAL?

India is currently a member of UNCITRAL with her current term due to expire in 2022.

How many countries are members of UNCITRAL?

The term of the following 30 States members of the Commission continues until 2022: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Burundi, Chile, Colombia, Czechia, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Mauritius, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand.

How many members were there in UNCITRAL initially?

The original membership comprised 29 States. 3 It was expanded by the United Nations General Assembly in 19734 to 36 States and again in 20025 to 60 States.

How many countries adopted models?

Out of around 60 UNCITRAL Member States, the countries which have adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law include those listed below….Introduction.

Country Relevant law
Estonia Bankruptcy Act
Spain Act 22/2003 on Insolvency (see Restructuring and insolvency—Spain—Q&A guide)

Is Hong Kong part of UNCITRAL?

On 6 April 1990 the UNCITRAL Model Law, as enacted by the Arbitration (Amendment) No 2 Ordinance 1989, No 64 of 1989, came into operation in Hong Kong by the Arbitration (Amendment) (No 2) Ordinance 1989 (Commencement) Notice 1990.

Does India follow UNCITRAL Model Law?

It is therefore evident that the Indian law on arbitration, the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, follows the UNCITRAL Model Law almost down to the T but with the amendments to the Act in 2005 and 2019, the Act has set out to make India a hub for international Commercial Arbitration and in doing so has deviated …

What is UNCITRAL Model Law and its application India?

The UNCITRAL Model law has been designated to assist the states to establish their domestic law and modernize their laws on arbitral procedure with due consideration of the specific features and the needs of international commercial arbitration.

When did India became member of UNCITRAL?

India is also presently a member of the trade body as elected in 2010.At an election held on November 9, 2015 in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to elect members to the trade body UNCITRAL, India was re-elected as member state to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) for the …

Is Philippines a member of UNCITRAL?

The Philippines is committed to supporting UNCITRAL since its creation in 1966.

What is the official mandate of UNCITRAL?

UNCITRAL plays an important role in developing that framework because of its mandate to prepare and promote the use and adoption of legislative and non-legislative instruments in a number of key areas. These instruments are negotiated through an international process involving a variety of participants.

Is Hong Kong a model law country?

Hong Kong thus joins the ranks of other Commonwealth countries enacting the Model Law: Australia, Canada, Cy- prus, Nigeria, Scotland and (probably) New Zealand.