Which European country gives easy student visa?

While there are several countries offering easy permanent residency programmes to international students graduating from their universities, some of the top European countries offering easy student immigration include Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

Which is the easiest country to get student visa for Indian?

Which is the easiest country to get a student visa for Indian students? Undoubtedly, you need to put some effort to acquire a student visa for any country, however, the most prominent options to accomplish easy attainment of student visa as an Indian student are Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

Which is the cheapest European country to study for Indian students?

Norway. For all those wondering what is the cheapest country to study abroad for Indian students, the answer is Norway! Among all the Nordic countries, Norway is our top pick for cheap countries to study for Indian students.

Can I get Schengen visa as a student?

You can apply for the Schengen study visa as long as you are not a citizen of the Schengen Zone and your home country has not signed a visa-free agreement with any of the member countries.

Which European country is best for Indian students?

Germany is one of the top study destinations in Europe for Indian students. This country is one of the most affordable destinations, where cost of living is slight higher but the tuition fees paid is almost zero or very little. Quality education at price that would not burn a hole in your pockets.

Which is the hardest student visa to get?

Saudi Arabia is considered the most difficult student visa to get but there has been arguments about that this toughness is only for Non-Muslims and that Muslim countries like Pakistan easily get Saudi student visa but that is still a matter not approved of by Saudis.

How can Indians get PR in Europe?

Residency in Europe – Long Term EU Residence Permit

  1. You must have been living in the EU country you are applying to for a period of 5 years.
  2. You have to demonstrate sufficient financial resources to support yourself and any dependents that might be living with you.