Which has higher boiling point HF HCl HBr?

We can conclude, the order of boiling point followed is HF > HI > HBr > HCl.

Which has the higher boiling point HF HF or HCl HCl Why?

Since the covalent bond is stronger than van der Waals, HF will have a higher boiling temperature. c) The intermolecular bonding for HF is hydrogen, whereas for HCL, the intermolecular bonding is van der Waals. Since the hydrogen bond is stronger than van der Waals, HF will have a higher boiling temperature.

Which of the following is the correct order of boiling point among HF HCl HBr?

The variation of the boiling points of the hydrogen halides is in the order HF>HI>HBr>HCl.

Which one has the lowest boiling point HF HCl HBr HI?

HCl has the least boiling point due to the small dispersion intermolecular forces. HCl < HBr < HI < HF.

Why is HBr boiling point higher than HCl?

Bromine is a larger ion than chlorine and thus has stronger Van der Waals forces. Larger amounts of energy (a higher temperature) are required to break these interactions and so the boiling point of HBr is higher than HCl.

Why does HF has higher boiling point?

Hydrogen bonding is the strongest intermolecular force. Due to strong intermolecular forces, the molecules of HF will be tightly packed in a lattice. Thus, HF will have the highest boiling point since the boiling point of a system depends upon the intermolecular interactions.

Why is the boiling point of HCl less than of HF?

Greater the inter-molecular forces, greater the boiling point. HF has strong inter-molecular forces, due to hydrogen bonding between HF and H.

Why does HF have a higher melting point than HBr?

Hence the intermolecular force between the molecules of HF compound increases which causes higher melting and boiling points. But in the case of HCl, HBr, and HI, they can’t form a hydrogen bond. Hence their melting and boiling points are lower than HF.

Why does boiling point increase from HCl to HI?

The boiling point rises from HCl to HI. The increasing intensity of the van der Waals intermolecular forces is due to this trend, which coincides with the number of electrons in the molecules. The HI molecule’s diffuse electron cloud makes for intermolecular interaction that is more successful (i.e. more attractive).

Why do the boiling points increase from HCl to HBr to HI?

Why is boiling point of HBr lower than HCl?

Why boiling point of HF is higher than HCl HBr and HI?

HF is hydrogen bonded, thus has highest boiling point, and it is liquid at or below 19oC. The remaining hydrogen halides are gaseous and their boiling points depend on the van der waal’s forces. Larger the size (or molecular mass), greater are the van der Waal’s forces, hence higher is the boiling point.