Who is the current leader of ThunderClan?

Bramblestar is the leader of ThunderClan after Firestar. His deputy was Squirrelflight. His previous medicine cat was Leafpool, and his current cats were Jayfeather and Alderheart.

Who was the best ThunderClan leader?

Number 1 – Firestar While this tom’s spot on the list may come as no surprise, it’s worth remembering just how much Firestar achieved as the leader of ThunderClan, and how much he gave to all five Clans in his life.

Who is the oldest cat in ThunderClan?

Mistystar was the oldest known living cat in the Warriors series, at roughly 15 years old. Kate has stated that her team is aware of how old Mistystar is as of River. She has ThunderClan blood via Bluestar. Mistystar resembles her mother, Bluestar.

Who was leader before Bluestar?

Sunstar, a bright ginger tom with green eyes and yellow tabby stripes, was the leader before Bluestar. He was the deputy of ThunderClan in Bluestar’s Prophecy and his warrior name was Sunfall.

What is Firepaw’s Kittypet name?

Firestar is a bright flame-colored tom with emerald-green eyes. Firestar was a leader of ThunderClan in the forest and the lake territories, and prophesied as the “fire to save ThunderClan.” He was born to Jake and Nutmeg, and lived as a kittypet named Rusty.

Who were Squirrelflight’s kits?

In the Power of Three series, Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw apparently have three kits; Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze.

Who is leader after Mistystar?

Leopardstar dies due to sickness, and Mistyfoot succeeds her as Mistystar. She appoints her son, Reedwhisker, as deputy.

What was Graystripe kittypet name?

Graypaw is a young ThunderClan apprentice, being mentored by Lionheart, who encounters a kittypet named Rusty. When Rusty is accepted into ThunderClan as Firepaw, he, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw form a tight-knit group.

What was Firestar’s kittypet name?

Firestar, a flame-colored tom with deep green eyes, is the protagonist of the original series. Initially a kittypet named Rusty, he often dreamed of hunting for his own prey in the forest beyond his owner’s house (thus making him venture into the forest beyond his fence and garden).

What was Cloudtail’s kittypet name?

The Prophecies Begin Cloudtail: “You’re still beautiful to me. You always will be.” He is the firstborn kit of a kittypet named Princess alongside four other siblings.

Who are Firestar’s kits?

Firestar and Sandstorm return to ThunderClan and have two kits together: Squirrelkit and Leafkit.

Is Leafstar a Leafpool?

Leafpool was a ThunderClan medicine cat who served under Firestar’s, Bramblestar’s, Rowanstar’s, and Leafstar’s leaderships in the lake territories. She was born as Leafkit to Firestar and Sandstorm alongside her sister, Squirrelkit, and was apprenticed as a medicine cat apprentice to Cinderpelt as Leafpaw.

Who are Mistystar’s kits?

After completing her apprenticeship, she became a warrior as Mistyfoot, and had Blackclaw’s kits, Reedwhisker, Pikepaw, Primrosepaw, and Perchkit.

Who does Firestar choose in StarClan?

Firestar welcomes his best friend Graystripe in StarClan when he dies from his wounds, and agrees to let the Clans decide changes to the warrior code in three moons time.

Who did Crowfeather love more?

Crowfeather fell in love with Feathertail and wished to be her mate, but she died saving the Tribe from Sharptooth. He later loved Leafpool and ran away with her, however they returned to their Clans and ended their relationship, and unbeknownst to him, she had his three kits.

What breed is Ivypool?

Ivypool (by Coldie) I’m thinking she could be an……. American Shorthair, British Shorthair, or an Egyptian Mau.

Does Cloudtail go to StarClan?

Cloudtail does not believe in StarClan in the first series, making him one of two Clan cats in the series to do so (the other being Mothwing, the RiverClan medicine cat). He does show a significantly softer side when dealing with his mate, Brightheart, however.

Who are Brightheart’s kits?

Brightheart’s mate, Cloudtail, rekindled her broken spirit, and they had two litters of kits, Whitekit, and Snowkit, Dewkit, and Amberkit.