Who was Francis Drake to John Hawkins?

John Hawkins was Francis Drake’s cousin. He was a navigator and a trader in enslaved people and made three voyages during the 1560s, capturing Africans and selling them into slavery to Spanish settlers in Central America.

Why was the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 a turning point for England?

Queen Elizabeth’s decisive defeat of the Invincible Armada made England a world-class power and introduced effective long-range weapons into naval warfare for the first time, ending the era of boarding and close-quarter fighting.

What did Sir Francis Drake do?

Sir Francis Drake is best known for circumnavigating Earth (1577–80), preying on Spanish ships along the way. Later he was credited for his defense of England by raiding Spain’s harbour at Cádiz in 1587 and (according to many sources) by disrupting the Spanish Armada in the English Channel with fire ships in 1588.

How did Hawkins capture slaves?

The 1564 CE expedition had repeated the formula of the first expedition, but this time Hawkins captured or simply bought a number of Portuguese ships along the West African coast and, acquiring some 600 slaves through trade with local chiefs and Portuguese traders as before, transported them across the Atlantic and …

What country attacked Sir Francis Drake’s first expedition and sunk several of the ships?

First Expedition Then they sailed across the Atlantic to the New World. They sold the slaves at a Spanish port, but they were betrayed. Spanish warships attacked the fleet and destroyed many of the ships.

How many ships did Drake destroy in the singeing of the King of Spain’s beard?

twenty-five vessels
The intense battle would be set to rage on throughout the night and continue into the following day until, sensing victory was in their hands, the English eventually withdrew, having destroyed a large proportion of the Spanish ships, estimated at around twenty-five vessels, give or take.

Why did Francis Drake want revenge on Spain?

At the time, the Spaniards had no idea that failing to kill Drake would prove so costly to the entire Spanish Empire. From that point on, Drake developed a hatred for Catholic Spaniards and devised plans to seek revenge.

Is Sir Francis Drake a real person?

Sir Francis Drake ( c. 1540 – 28 January 1596) was an English explorer, sea captain, privateer, slave trader, naval officer, and politician. Drake is best known for his circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition, from 1577 to 1580.

What happened to Sir Francis Drake in Florida?

A tropical disease that he probably picked up during his last trip to America struck him. He died and was buried at sea.