Why are Suctorians classified as Ciliophora?

Scutoria are also grouped in Ciliophora because they are multinucleated. Once they shed their cilia, Suctoria become sessile; they attach themseleves to host organisms via a non-contractile stalk and develop tentacles. Suctoria are encased in a hard shell called the lorica.

How do Suctorians feed?

Adult suctorians attach themselves to an object, generally by means of a noncontractile stalk; they then catch and suck the contents of other ciliates and rotifers with their tentacles. Often the prey becomes paralyzed immediately after capture.

What is the scientific name for Suctoria?

SuctoriaSuctoria / Scientific name

What is the class of protozoa where adults are sedentary?

Class II – Suctoria : Adults sedentary and without cilia which are present only in young stages.

Why is phylum Protozoa sometimes described as acellular?

Because their protoplasmic mass is not subdivided into cells, protozoa sometimes have been termed “acellular,” but most people prefer “unicellular” to emphasize the many structural similarities to the cells of multicellular animals. Protozoa was for many years the name of a phylum.

What is the purpose of a ciliate?

Ciliates are single-celled organisms that, at some stage in their life cycle, possess cilia, short hairlike organelles used for locomotion and food gathering.

How does ciliate reproduce?

Ciliates reproduce asexually by division: the micronucleus undergoes mitosis, while in most ciliates the macronucleus simply pinches apart into two. This process is shown in the drawing above. However, ciliates also reproduce sexually, through a process known as conjugation.

Why are the Zoomastigophora and Phytomastigophora different?

The key difference between Phytomastigophora and Zoomastigophora is that the members of Phytomastigophora contain chloroplasts in their cytoplasm while the members of Zoomastigophora do not contain chloroplast in their cytoplasm.

What is difference between acellular and unicellular?

Acellular and unicellular appears synonymous but are different from each other. Acellular refers to the lacking cell or cell-free whereas unicellular refers …

Why are protozoans called acellular and not unicellular?

The very main reason for calling protozoans are acellular and not as unicellular because, all protozonas are made of a single cell and all those will live in groups and so, while calling group of protozoans, we should mentyion as acellular organism and not as unicellular organism.