Why did Ally Condie write matched?

Condie was inspired to write the novel after chaperoning a high school dance and considering what would happen if the government devised a perfect algorithm for matching people into romantic pairs.

What is Matched by Ally Condie about?

I think Matched is absolutely brilliant: the best book I have read all summer. It’s the story of Cassia Reyes, a 17 year old girl living in a future Society, where culture has been uncluttered and there are only 100 Songs, 100 Books and 100 Poems available to the population.

Who does Cassia end up with in matched?

Cassia has difficulty deciding who she loves more — Ky or Xander — both of whom have loved her since their childhoods. She finally decides Ky is the only one for her, and Xander pursues Lei, who turns out to be Vick’s (from the second book) Match.

Has matched been made into a movie?

A provocative character driven story that explores the obsessions, betrayals and psychosis of online dating. The movie is a modern day comedy-thriller that exposes our deepest desires, fears…

Is Cassia immune to the red tablet?

As Cassia finds out, the red tablet erases all memory for the past twelve hours….Obi-Wan Takes the High Ground! – The Loop.

The Red Tablet
Vital statistics
Effects Makes people forget the past 12 hours, unless they are immune.
Colors Red
Source The Society

Does Matched have romance?

Ky. And now she must choose between Xander, who knows her through and through and Ky, who knows things she can’t yet understand. Matched is a romance set against a dystopian backdrop: a world carefully balanced and controlled by the elite members of the Society.

What is Xanders last name in Matched?

Xander Thomas Carrow
Xander Thomas Carrow is one of the main supporting characters in both Matched and Reached.

What does em look like in Matched?

Description. Em has black hair, creamy skin, dark eyes, and delicate wrists.

Why is Ky an aberration in Matched?

Ky Markham is an Aberration that was adopted by the Markham family in the same borough as Cassia Reyes because their son had been killed by an escapee Anomaly (Later in Reached we find out that Ky’s cousin Matthew actually vanished to the Otherlands.).

Why did Xander give Cassia The blue tablets?

Xander gives Cassia a farewell gift: a stockpile of blue tablets, just in case she needs to go on a journey or something. He knows she wants to find Ky, but still does not betray her—he wants to change things too, so they can all choose.

What does the red pill do in Matched?

Makes people forget the past 12 hours, unless they are immune. All of the pills. At age sixteen you are given your third and final tablet — the red tablet.

Is matched appropriate for an 11 year old?

This was written by my eleven year old daughter : I loooooove matched. Since I read it it’s my favorite book by far. This is for 11 year olds for sure and I totally recommend you read it.

What does KY look like in matched?

Ky is described as very good-looking and has a very gentle and calm personality. He smiles very little but is a kind person. He has black hair, darker skin tone and dark, deep blue eyes. Ky also struggles with his past life, which was taken forcefully from him by the Society.

Is Matched appropriate for an 11 year old?