Why do we use two transistors in a Wien bridge oscillator?

Operation. When the circuit is switched ON, the bridge circuit produces oscillations of the frequency stated above. The two transistors produce a total phase shift of 360o so that proper positive feedback is ensured.

Is BJT used in oscillator?

BJT as oscillator Oscillations are observed in a BJT oscillator circuit on connecting the feedback network. The cause of resonance is that the feedback network is slower and the rise/fall of current/voltage in the feedback network occurs at a specific rate depending on the elements used in the feedback.

What type of oscillator A Wien bridge is?

The Wien Bridge oscillator is a two-stage RC coupled amplifier circuit that has good stability at its resonant frequency, low distortion and is very easy to tune making it a popular circuit as an audio frequency oscillator but the phase shift of the output signal is considerably different from the previous phase shift …

Which waveform is most suitable for Wien’s bridge?

Therefore the Wien bridge oscillator works as a sine wave generator whose frequency of oscillations is determined by R and C components.

What is the disadvantage of Wien bridge oscillator?

Which of these is a disadvantage of the Wien Bridge oscillator? Explanation: A Wien Bridge oscillator provides a stable low distortion output over a wide range of frequency. However, the number of components required is high and the Wheatstone bridge applied cannot be used for high resistance values.

What is the problem faced by the Wien bridge oscillator?

What is the problem faced by the wein bridge oscillator? Explanation: The gain of wein bridge oscillator is greater than 3, sometimes this may keep the oscillations growing and it may clip the output sinewave.

Can transistor be used for oscillator?

A transistor can be operated as an oscillator for producing continuous undamped oscillations of any desired frequency if tank (or oscillatory) and feedback circuits are property connected to it.

What is the role of transistor in piezoelectric oscillator?

With the help of the other electronic components including a transistor, electrical oscillations are produced continuously. This is fed to the secondary circuit connected to Quartz crystal (Q). The oscillating electric field is converted to mechanical vibration of crystal owing to the piezoelectric effect.

What is the frequency of oscillation of Wien bridge oscillator?

Explanation: The frequency of oscillation of wein bridge oscillator is fo=2πRC. Explanation: The gain |A|≥3, for oscillation to keep growing ( Since, |Aß|≥1 for sustained oscillation).

Which of these is incorrect for Wien bridge oscillator?

Why Wien’s bridge is used?

The Wien bridge is one of many common bridges. Wien’s bridge is used for precision measurement of capacitance in terms of resistance and frequency. It was also used to measure audio frequencies. The Wien bridge does not require equal values of R or C.

What is the difference between RC phase-shift oscillator and Wien bridge oscillator?

They establish the frequency dependent phase shift necessary for oscillation in different ways. The Wien-bridge uses an RC bridge to accomplish the trick. The phase shift oscillator does it with a series of RC phase shifters in a row, usually 60 degrees each, to arrive at the necessary 180 degrees needed.

What is a Wien bridge oscillator?

What is a Wien Bridge Oscillator? A Wien-Bridge Oscillator is a type of phase-shift oscillator which is based upon a Wien-Bridge network (Figure 1a) comprising of four arms connected in a bridge fashion. Here two arms are purely resistive while the other two arms are a combination of resistors and capacitors.

How to use bridge circuit as a feedback network for oscillator?

In the bridge circuit R 1 in series with C 1, R 3, R 4 and R 2 in parallel with C 2 form the four arms. This bridge circuit can be used as feedback network for an oscillator, provided that the phase shift through the amplifier is zero. This requisite condition is achieved by using a two stage amplifier, as illustrated in the figure.

What is the root locus of Wien bridge oscillator pole positions?

Root locus plot of Wien bridge oscillator pole positions for R 1 = R 2 = 1 and C 1 = C 2 =1 versus K = (R b + R f )/R b. The numerical values of K are shown in a purple font.

What types of bridge oscillators are used in amplifiers?

Included are transducer bridges, AC bridges, Wien bridge oscillators, Schottky bridges, and others. Special attention is given to amplifier selection criteria. Appended sections cover strain gauge transducers, understanding distortion measurements, and historical perspectives on bridge readout mechanisms and Wein bridge oscillators.