Why is Aptamil unavailable?

Shops are regularly restocking the shelves but if you continue to have problems then please do come back to us.” In statements on their websites, Cow & Gate and Aptamil said: “Due to the current high demand for formula products, some retailers are experiencing shortages of our products in their stores.

Is aptamil anti-reflux safe?

Safety information AptamilĀ® Anti-Reflux is a food for special medical purposes for the dietary management of frequent reflux and regurgitation. It should only be used under medical supervision, after full consideration of the feeding options available including breastfeeding.

Is there a baby milk shortage in the UK?

“We are experiencing some short-term, isolated incidents of low availability on our Cow & Gate Nutriprem 2 800g powder formula product. “We do appreciate how unsettling and frustrating it can be for parents to not be able to find the products they need.

What’s the difference between Aptamil and Aptamil comfort?

Aptamil Sensavia is suitable for bottle and combination fed infants that do not display any feeding issues. Aptamil Comfort specialist milk is specifically designed for the dietary management of Colic and Constipation.

Does aptamil comfort help with reflux?

Comfort milk is not really for reflux but hit colic and constipation. It is easier to digest. Reflux milk is thickened and do helps it to stay down.

Can you mix Aptamil First and anti-reflux?

A tip: Because Aptamil Anti-Reflux milk is a thickened feed we recommend that you use a single-hole, fast flow teat. Also, never give any other antacids or feed thickeners alongside Aptamil Anti-Reflux.

What products are in short supply UK?

Which products are in short supply?

  • Tomatoes. For example, supermarkets including Tesco and Asda have run out of some varieties of tomato.
  • Eggs. Fears have been sparked about the supply of eggs as well.
  • Bread and beer. A potential wheat shortage could mean you might find it harder to buy the bread or beer you want.

Why is Aptamil so expensive?

Piccolo said it uses high quality organic ingredients for its milk, which costs more to produce – hence its higher price tag.