Why is Madame de Stael important?

De Staël herself was a centrist politically, and ultimately her more moderate opinions would endanger her during the more radical phase of the Revolution. Her importance as a writer and literary figure is undisputed. She wrote numerous political pieces as well as novels, plays and literary criticism.

What was Madame de Stael known?

Auguste Comte included Mme de Staël in his 1849 Calendar of Great Men. Her political legacy has been generally identified with a stout defence of “liberal” values: equality, individual freedom, and the limitation of state power by constitutional rules.

What is the meaning of Stael?

Definitions of Stael. French romantic writer (1766-1817) synonyms: Baronne Anne Louise Germaine Necker de Steal-Holstein, Madame de Stael. example of: author, writer. writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)

When was Madame de Stael exiled?

In October 1803, he forced her into exile without a trial. She left for Germany ‘out of pride’, in the hope to be able to return as soon as possible. De Staël visited Weimar, Leipzig and Berlin, talking with many prominent people.

Why did Napoleon hate Madame de Stael?

Germaine de Staël was a Swiss author and thinker during the French Revolution. Even Napoleon feared the strong and well-connected personality and banished her from Paris.

What is the meaning of stail?

: a long straight wooden handle for a tool (such as a hoe)

When did Madame de Stael meet Napoleon?

December 1797
The two met at the end of December 1797, and they shared an intense mutual dislike of each other. For a woman who cherished the romantic sentiments of Rousseau, the politics of Montesquieu, and the philosophy of Voltaire, Napoleon represented something abhorrent.

What is a Feodary?

Definition of feodary 1a : a feudal tenant : vassal. b : subject, dependent, servant. 2 : an officer of the ancient English Court of Wards appointed to receive rents. 3 [influenced in meaning by Latin foeder-, foedus league] obsolete : confederate, accomplice.

What is Steil?

Adjective. steil (comparative steiler, superlative steilst) steep. (of hair) straight, not curly.

Where did the phrase steal a march on come from?

Definition of steal a march on This metaphoric expression comes from medieval warfare, where a march was the distance an army could travel in a day. By quietly marching at night, a force could surprise and overtake the enemy at daybreak. Its figurative use dates from the second half of the 1700s.