Why phenol can react with sodium hydroxide?

Phenol reacts with aqueous NaOH to produce sodium phenoxide and water. Phenol is a weak acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide is a strong base. So, this reaction is a weak acid – strong base reaction. Formed product, sodium phenoxide is a moderately strong base.

What action takes place when phenol reacts with Ethanoyl chloride?

Phenol reacts with ethanoyl chloride at room temperature, although the reaction isn’t as fast as the one between ethanoyl chloride and an alcohol. Phenyl ethanoate is formed together with hydrogen chloride gas. Sometimes it is necessary to modify the phenol first to make the reaction faster.

How does phenol react with benzoyl chloride in presence of NaOH?

Benzoylation of phenol with benzoyl chloride in the presence of dilute NaOH gives phenyl benzoate.

Why does phenol turn purple?

Phenols react with ferric chloride solution to give blue, violet or green coloration due to the formation of ferric phenoxide which gives different colored water soluble complex compounds.

What reacts with phenol and NaOH?

Phenoxide ion undergoes electrophilic substitution with carbon dioxide ( a weak electrophile) because phenoxide ion is more reactive than phenol. Salicylic acid is formed as a major product.

Do alcohols react with NaOH?

NaOH when reacts with water forms ethoxide ion but due to its basicity it abstract hydrogen reforming alcohol. hence alcohols does not reacts with the base.

What happens when phenol reacts with acetyl chloride in presence of pyridine?

Phenol reacts with acyl halides in presence of pyridine to form phenyl acetate.

What happens when phenol reacts with benzoyl chloride?

The phenoxide ion reacts more rapidly with benzoyl chloride than the original phenol does, but even so you have to shake it with benzoyl chloride for about 15 minutes. Solid phenyl benzoate is formed.

What product would be formed from the reaction of benzoyl chloride with aqueous NaOH?

Benzyl Alcohol
Since we have a benzylic halide with a strong nucleophile, the reaction will proceed via SN2 mechanism and a substitution product will be formed. Therefore, the hydroxyl group replaces the chloride group. Therefore, the answer is – option (d) – Benzyl Alcohol.

How do you make phenyl ethanoate?

If you simply use phenol and ethanoic anhydride, phenyl ethanoate is formed together with ethanoic acid.

Which solution gives violet with phenol?

neutral ferric chloride solution
Both phenol and salicyclic acid gives violet colour with neutral ferric chloride solution because it has phenolic compound.