What are prohibited personnel practices?

​​Prohibited personnel practices (PPPs) are employment-related activities that are banne​​d in the federal workforce because they violate the merit system through some form of employment discrimination, retaliation, improper hiring practices, or failure to adhere to laws, rules, or regulations that directly concern the …

Is preselection a prohibited personnel practice?

Pre-selection is not necessarily illegal. It is only a prohibited personnel practice (and therefore illegal) when the pre-selectee is selected without regard to merit and the “competition” is really a sham.

How do the merit system principles and prohibited personnel practices relate to one another?

For example, Merit System Principle No. 9 provides that employees “should be protected against reprisal for the lawful disclosure” of waste, fraud, and abuse, while the list of prohibited personnel practices also prohibits reprisal for such disclosures.

What are the possible consequences that may occur if someone commits a prohibited personnel practice?

Individuals found by MSPB to have committed a prohibited personnel practice are subject to removal, reduction in grade, debarment from federal employment for up to five years, suspension, reprimand, or fine of up to $1,000. or a combination of these potential disciplinary actions.

Where can I find more information about prohibited personnel practices?

Read more about Prohibited Personnel Practices on the Office of Special Counsel website.

What are the four categories of prohibited personnel practices?

13 Prohibited Personnel Practices — four general categories: Discrimination Hiring practices that offend merit system Retaliation for protected activity (including whistleblowing) Catch-all: violation of law, rule or regulation that implement merit systems principles (including constitutional rights) 8 Discrimination

What is political activity prohibited personnel practice?

Political Activity Prohibited Personnel Practice to: Coerce political activity of any person (including providing any political contribution or service) Reprising against an employee or applicant for employment for the refusal of any person to engage in political activity