How do I distribute an iOS app enterprise?

To distribute your app yourself, you’ll have to do 3 things :

  1. Host the app’s binary (the . ipa file) on a server. The .
  2. Create a manifest associated with this binary file. A manifest is a file that contains metadata related to the other files it describes.
  3. Create a web page with a link to the manifest.

How do I distribute iOS apps privately?

From My Apps, select the app you want to distribute privately. This will show you the app’s page on App Store Connect. In the sidebar to the left, click on Pricing and Availability. Navigate to App Distribution Methods and select Private — Available as a custom app on Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.

How do I distribute apps with Apple business manager?

Distributing Apps on Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager

  1. From the App Store Connect Homepage, click My Apps, and select your app from the list.
  2. Under Pricing and Availability, go to the App Distribution Methods section.
  3. Select Public.

How do you distribute private apps?

Go to Release > Setup > Advanced settings. Select the Managed Google Play tab. In Organizations, click Add organization. For each organization that you want to publish the app to, enter the Organization ID and a description (or name) and click Add.

Can Apple Business Manager deploy apps?

Apple Business Manager is the best way to manage and deploy business apps to your employees and customers. Whether you’re a developer, business owner, or IT administrator, we’ll showcase the benefits of Custom apps for each role and provide guidance on each step in the process — from app creation to distribution.

How do I upload an application to enterprise?

Uploading an IPA File Navigate to Application Management > Enterprise Store section. Click on Upload New App > Upload iOS App. Upload using IPA file. Upload using Plist link.

How do I upgrade from Apple Developer to enterprise?

Convert your registration

  1. Navigate to the Contact Us form on Apple Developer’s Program pages.
  2. Log in with the Apple ID and Password.
  3. Select your Region.
  4. Choose Account Updates and Renewals as your Subject.
  5. Enter a message with text along these lines. “I’d like to convert my account from Individual to Organization.

Can consumer apps be distributed using Apple Enterprise license?

The Apple enterprise app distribution is only for Apple apps. More specifically, it’s only available for apps developed especially for your company for use on Apple platforms. So, if you make an Android version of your app, it cannot be made available through this vehicle.