How do I get the global menu in GNOME?

How to install a global menu for Gnome Shell with Gnome Global AppMenu extension

  1. Install unity-gtk-module packages for Gtk+ 2 and Gtk+ 3.
  2. Install other required dependencies.
  3. Install the Gnome Global AppMenu extension.
  4. Enable Gnome Global AppMenu extension.
  5. Log out / log back in (or restart your computer)

How do I access GNOME Shell?

To access GNOME Shell, sign out of your current desktop. From the login screen, click the little button next to your name to reveal the session options. Select the GNOME option in the menu and log in with your password.

What is shell version in GNOME?

GNOME Shell is the graphical shell of the GNOME desktop environment starting with version 3, which was released on April 6, 2011. It provides basic functions like launching applications, switching between windows and is also a widget engine. GNOME Shell replaced GNOME Panel and some ancillary components of GNOME 2.

What is a global menu?

The global menu is a mechanism, based on the Macintosh idea, of placing an application’s menu in the top panel of the desktop, rather than with the application window. You need to focus an application, and then move the mouse to the top of the desktop to access the menus.

How do I add global menu to elementary OS?

To enable Global Menu:

  1. Open dconf Editor from the Applications menu.
  2. Navigate to org -> pantheon -> cerbere, enable appmenu and super wingpanel by changing the value of monitored-process to:
  3. Navigate to org -> pantheon -> desktop -> super-wingpanel, change the value of blacklist to:

How do I log into GNOME?

To Log in to a Session

  1. Choose Options -> Session. Choose the GNOME Desktop from the list of available desktop environments.
  2. Enter your login name in the field on the Login Manager dialog, then click OK.
  3. Enter your password in the field on the Login Manager dialog, then click OK.

How do I check my GNOME Shell extension?

Go to GNOME shell extensions repository available here to browse a list of available extensions. By default, extensions for all GNOME Shell versions are shown. You can click on “All versions” dropdown menu to narrow down results to a specific version of shell.

How do I know my shell version?

Use /proc/self/exe –version . This reflects your login shell — not the currently running shell.