How long does the train from London to Edinburgh take?

approximately 4.5 hours
The train trip London – Edinburgh takes approximately 4.5 hours, reaching trains fastest speed of 125 mph. Plus, there are about 298 daily departures! Check the details of the train journey from London to Edinburgh below and book your train tickets on Rail Ninja.

Where does the Edinburgh to London train stop?

London to Edinburgh Train Stops The stops the train makes will vary, but almost all trains will stop at York, Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

How much does it cost to travel from Edinburgh to London?

It takes an average of 5h 43m to travel from Edinburgh (Waverley) to London by train, over a distance of around 332 miles (534 km)….Edinburgh (Waverley) to London by train.

Journey time From 4h 0m
Price From £19.90
Distance 332 miles (534 km)
Frequency 65 trains per day
First train 04:36

Can you do a day trip from London to Edinburgh?

Did you know you can visit Edinburgh in a day – from London? Let me be clear: it’s not easy – it’s a long day with lots of travel to take a day trip to Edinburgh from London. But if you time it right, you can absolutely visit the Scottish capital on a day trip from the English capital.

Is LNER first class worth?

THE VERDICT: The First Class experience was akin to the service you would expect on a decent airline. I was well fed and watered, the carriage felt quiet, and I had plenty of space to spread out and work.

Do you need a passport from London to Edinburgh?

If you are flying solely within the UK, including Northern Ireland, you do not need a passport but we advise that you carry photographic identification with you when travelling, such as your passport or driving licence.

Is Edinburgh worth visiting?

It’s the majestic city that offers something for everyone, and known as one of Europe’s most beautiful destinations for good reason. Whether you’re looking for a culture fix, buzzing nightlife, rolling hills or delicious food, this city has it all.