What are auxiliary hypotheses quizlet?

An auxiliary hypothesis is one you make up for the purpose of continuing to believe your theory. False. Confirmation reasoning is deductively invalid.

What is a supported hypothesis called?

A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it. Therefore, theories can be disproven. Basically, if evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, then the hypothesis can become accepted as a good explanation of a phenomenon. One definition of a theory is to say that it’s an accepted hypothesis.

What is an auxiliary theory?

“Auxiliary theory” is a measurement model-related theory (Bagozzi & Phillips, 1982) that bridges the gap between abstract theoretical concepts and measurable empirical indicators (Edwards, J. R. and Bagozzi, R. P., 2000, Bagozzi, R. P. and Phillips, L. W., 1982, Costner, H. L., 1969, Edwards, J. R., 2011).

What type of reasoning is used to disconfirm a hypothesis?

With inductive reasoning, scientists move from the observation of a specific piece of data to develop an hypothesis about what that data might mean. With deductive reasoning, the scientist will start by suggesting an hypothesis, and then conduct research and search for data to either support or disprove the hypothesis.

Did Copernicus consider his work a break from the Catholic Church?

Copernicus considered his work a break from the Catholic Church. He did not consider his work to be a break with either the Church or with the authority of ancient texts. He believed, rather, that he had restored a pure understanding of God’s design, one that had been lost over the centuries.

What is non-directional hypothesis?

Nondirectional Hypothesis A non-directional (two-tailed) hypothesis predicts that the independent variable will have an effect on the dependent variable, but the direction of the effect is not specified.

What did Karl Popper do?

Karl Popper believed that scientific knowledge is provisional – the best we can do at the moment. Popper is known for his attempt to refute the classical positivist account of the scientific method, by replacing induction with the falsification principle.

What is the duhem problem?

The Duhem–Quine thesis (also called the Duhem–Quine problem, after Pierre Duhem and Willard Van Orman Quine) is that it is impossible to test a scientific hypothesis in isolation, because an empirical test of the hypothesis requires one or more background assumptions (also called auxiliary assumptions or auxiliary …