What does venality mean?

1 : capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration : purchasable especially : open to corrupt influence and especially bribery : mercenary a venal legislator. 2 : originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery a venal arrangement with the police.

What is the synonym of venal?

Find another word for venal. In this page you can discover 30 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for venal, like: corrupt, bribable, buyable, crooked, despotic, mercenary, vicious, greedy, dishonorable, hired and hireling.

Is Disassemblable a word?

The word disassemblable does not technically exist within the English lexicon. Here’s a list of synonyms for disassemble. β€œThe strike erupted when management closed down one of the factory’s three production lines and attempted to disassemble machinery for removal.”

Is venal a real word?

willing to sell one’s influence, especially in return for a bribe; open to bribery; mercenary: a venal judge. able to be purchased, as by a bribe: venal acquittals. associated with or characterized by bribery: a venal administration; venal agreements.

How do you use the word venal?

Venal in a Sentence πŸ”‰

  1. Since a venal con artist raised Carl, it is not surprising that Carl grew up to be a thief.
  2. The venal police officer accepted the money the drug dealers gave him to look away from their illegal deals.

How do you remember the word venality?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for venal dishonesty. ve + nal = we null ….we can be easily bribed when we are null in terms of money venal & penal are rhyming words..as penal is something related to crime..in that way we can remember venal as a crime(corruption).

How do you use venal in a sentence?

What does venous mean in medical terms?

Definition of venous 1 : of, relating to, or full of veins a venous thrombosis a venous rock. 2 of blood : having passed through the capillaries and given up oxygen for the tissues and become charged with carbon dioxide.

What does the word unrivaled?

Definition of unrivaled : having no rival : incomparable, supreme unrivaled greatness.

How do you use venality in a sentence?

Boasting that he would put an end to barratry, ironically he became famous for his venality. The premise that the contestants would compete to marry an unseen stranger for no other reason than his wealth would be an example of venality.

How do you remember the word venal?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for venal ve + nal = we null ….we can be easily bribed when we are null in terms of money 56 19. venal & penal are rhyming words..as penal is something related to crime..in that way we can remember venal as a crime(corruption).