What is a fusible plug refrigeration?

Fusible plugs are a type of warning device employed on compressed air systems, well heads and steam systems. They are considered a last line of defense and are often used to avert a catastrophic failure occurring e.g. explosion.

What is the function of fusible plug?

Purpose. A fusible plug operates as a safety valve when dangerous temperatures, rather than dangerous pressures, are reached in a closed vessel. Fusible plugs are commonly installed in aircraft wheels, most typically in those of larger or high-performance aircraft.

What temperature do fusible plugs melt?

Answer: The answer is A, melt between 158-165°F. The fusible plugs found on chlorine cylinders, ton containers and larger containers are designed to melt and allow the pressure inside the container to decrease to safer levels.

Where is a fusible plug fitted?

Fusible Plug Function In a smoke tube steam boiler, it is fitted on the front tube sheet, just above the tubes (used for flue gas flow) arrangement but below the perforated feed line inside the shell.

What is the function of fusible plug and feed check valve?

The feed check valve ensures unidirectional flow. Fusible plug: It is fitted to the firebox. Its objective is to put off the fire in the furnace of the boiler when the level of water in the boiler falls to an unsafe limit and avoids the explosion which may take place due to overheating of the furnace.

What is the material of fusion plug?

A fusible plug is a threaded metal cylinder usually of bronze, brass or gunmetal, with a tapered hole drilled completely through its length. This hole is sealed with a metal of low melting point that flows away if a pre-determined, high temperature is reached.

What are fusible gases?

The fusible plug releases the gas before the hazardous reaction can begin. Fusible plugs are made of metals that melt at low temperatures. For example, acetylene cylinders have a fusible plug which melts at about 100°C (212°F).