What is an example of antagonistic pleiotropy?

An example of this is testosterone levels in male humans. Higher levels of this hormone lead to increased fitness in early life, while causing decreased fitness in later life due to a higher risk for prostate cancer. This is an example of antagonistic pleiotropy being an explanation for senescence.

What is the effect of antagonistic pleiotropy?

Antagonistic pleiotropy is an effect that is beneficial to an organism’s fitness early in life, but which causes functional decline and aging phenotypes later in life.

What does the theory of antagonistic pleiotropy predict about genes and natural selection?

Antagonistic pleiotropy, as it applies to aging, hypothesizes that animals possess genes that enhance fitness early in life but diminish it in later life and that such genes can be favored by natural selection because selection is stronger early in life even as they cause the aging phenotype to emerge.

What is the evolutionary antagonistic pleiotropy theory of aging?

According to the antagonistic pleiotropy (AP) theory, pleiotropic alleles that increase survival or reproduction early in life but decrease survival or reproduction late in life can accumulate in populations, because the selective advantage of the early benefits outweighs the late-life disadvantage.

Is cellular senescence an example of antagonistic pleiotropy?

It is generally accepted that the permanent arrest of cell division known as cellular senescence contributes to aging by an antagonistic pleiotropy mechanism: cellular senescence would act beneficially early in life by suppressing cancer, but detrimentally later on by causing frailty and, paradoxically, cancer.

What is pleiotropy give example?

Pleiotropy is a condition in which a single gene has multiple phenotypic expressions. E.g. Phenylketonuria is caused by a single gene defect but causes multiple effects such as mental retardation, hypopigmentation of hair and skin.

What is plant pleiotropy?

A pleiotropic gene is a single gene that controls more than one trait. © 2008 Nature Education All rights reserved. During his study of inheritance in pea plants, Gregor Mendel made several interesting observations regarding the color of various plant components.

What is pleiotropy explain with the help of four examples?

In genetics, Pleiotropy is defined as the expression of multiple traits by a single gene. Pleiotropy is derived from a Greek word meaning more ways. A simple example of a Pleiotropy is phenylketonuria is a disease. It is a genetic disorder caused by the low metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine in the body cells.

What is pleiotropy in biology?

Pleiotropy refers to the phenomenon of a single gene affecting multiple traits, and as that manifestly ambiguous definition reveals, pleiotropy is a single word with multiple meanings.

What are the examples of pleiotropy?

Fruit flies and vestigial gene, chickens and their frizzle traits, the process of pigmentation and deafness in cats, the pleiotropy sickle cell diseases in humans, and phenylketonuria (also written as PKU), are some of the common examples of pleiotropic conditions.