What is distal femoral epiphysiodesis?

An alternative to hormonal treatment is surgical treatment, usually bilateral percutaneous epiphysiodesis. This treatment aims to destroy the growth plates of the distal femur and proximal tibia and fibula to limit further leg growth but does not affect growth of the back and arms.

What is a epiphysiodesis surgery?

Epiphysiodesis is the surgical ablation of a physis to stop its future growth, generally used to correct a leg length discrepancy. Prediction of leg length discrepancy at skeletal maturity can be difficult and multiple methods have been developed to provide an estimate.

What is a distal femur?

The distal femur is where the bone flares out like an upside-down funnel. The distal femur is the area of the leg just above the knee joint. Distal femur fractures most often occur either in older people whose bones are weak, or in younger people who have high energy injuries, such as from a car crash.

What is bone peg epiphysiodesis?

Epiphysiodesis is a pediatric orthopedic surgery procedure that aims at altering or stopping the bone growth naturally occurring through the growth plate also known as the physeal plate. There are two types of epiphysiodesis: temporary hemiepiphysiodesis and permanent epiphysiodesis.

What is distal femoral replacement?

Distal femoral replacement is an orthopaedic procedure which is most commonly associated with the sarcoma population. The distal portion of the femur (up to two thirds) is excised and replaced by a endoprosthesis incorporating a hinged total knee replacement.

Where is distal femoral diaphysis?

The distal femur is defined as the region from the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction to the articular surface of the knee, involving approximately the distal 15 cm of the femur.

At what age growth plates fuse?

When Do Growth Plates Close? Growth plates usually close near the end of puberty. For girls, this usually is when they’re 13–15; for boys, it’s when they’re 15–17.

Can growth plates be removed?

The growth plate may be destroyed by scraping or drilling it to stop further growth at that growth plate. Another method is to insert staples on each side of the bony growth plate. These can be removed when both legs are close to the same length.