What is OGDS procedure?

Upper GI Endoscopy or Gastroscopy is also known as oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGDS). It is a specialized endoscopic examination where a small scope is passed through your mouth, down your food pipe (oesophagus) into your stomach and down to your duodenum (first part of the small intestines).

Why is an Esophagogastroduodenoscopy performed?

EGD is used to evaluate a number of digestive disorders. It is a popular diagnostic option because patients generally tolerate it well and it causes minimal discomfort. Your gastroenterologist may use EGD to evaluate: Abdominal pain.

How long does an EGD procedure take?

The procedure usually takes about 15-20 minutes. During the exam, there is often a feeling of pressure in the abdominal area. Your physician may give you medication to help you relax and better tolerate the exam. Patients usually lie on their left side.

How do you prepare a patient for OGDS?

How you prepare

  1. Fast before the endoscopy. You will need to stop drinking and eating four to eight hours before your endoscopy to ensure your stomach is empty for the procedure.
  2. Stop taking certain medications. You will need to stop taking certain blood-thinning medications in the days before your endoscopy.

How big is a colonoscopy camera?

During a colonoscopy, the doctor uses a colonoscope, a long, flexible, tubular instrument about 1/2-inch in diameter that transmits an image of the lining of the colon so the doctor can examine it for any abnormalities. The colonoscope is inserted through the rectum and advanced to the other end of the large intestine.

What is the difference between endoscopy and Esophagogastroduodenoscopy?

An upper endoscopy is a procedure to examine the upper part of the digestive tract. The procedure is also called an esophagogastroduodenoscopy, or EGD. A gastrointestinal (GI) doctor (gastroenterologist) uses an endoscope. The scope is a narrow, flexible tube with a light and small video camera.

Do they put you to sleep for an EGD?

During Your EGD: The procedure typically takes between 10 to 30 minutes. You will lie on your left side. An anesthesiologist will administer an intravenous (IV) sedative so you sleep through the procedure. A plastic mouth guard is placed between your teeth to prevent damage to your teeth.

Does an EGD hurt?

The sedative will make you comfortable and sleepy. Your throat will be numbed with a spray before the doctor gently passes the tube through your mouth into your stomach. You will be able to breathe normally and burp if needed during the test. There usually is no pain associated with this test.

Do they put you to sleep for EGD?

Are you awake for an endoscopy?

It is not needed for a standard upper endoscopy. You will be awake during the procedure, but you will take medicine to relax you (a sedative) before the test. Someone will have to drive you home afterward. Follow any other instructions your provider gives you to get ready.