What is resistance to change in the workplace?

Resistance to change is the reluctance of adapting to change when it is presented. Employees can be either overt or covert about their unwillingness to adapt to organizational changes. This can range from expressing their resistance publicly to unknowingly resisting change through their language or general actions.

What are the six strategies for overcoming resistance to change?

Kotter and Schlesinger suggested Six Change Approaches to handle resistance to change:

  • Education and communication.
  • Participation and involvement.
  • Facilitation and support.
  • Negotiation and agreement.
  • Manipulation and co-optation.
  • Explicit and implicit coercion.

How can managers help overcome this resistance?

The first strategy to overcome resistance to change is to communicate. Communication is key — you already knew that. However, try letting your employees initiate the conversation. People want to be heard, and giving them a chance to voice their opinions will help alleviate the frustration they feel over the situation.

How do you deal with staff resistance?

Managing Employee Resistance

  1. Own the changes. No matter where the change originated or how you feel about the change, you must own the change yourself.
  2. Encourage a supportive work environment.
  3. Explain what’s changing.
  4. Explain why the change.
  5. Listen deeply and empathetically to the employees.
  6. Elicit ideas.

How do you encourage change in the workplace?

10 Tips For Handling Change in the Workplace

  1. Maintain a positive attitude.
  2. Recognize that change is constant.
  3. Stay connected to previous co-workers.
  4. Communicate with others to learn your new role.
  5. Be optimistic even though you might not be currently happy.
  6. Self-reflect.
  7. Learn new skills.
  8. Over communicate.

How do you get employees to accept change?

8 Steps For Helping Your Employees Accept Change

  1. 1 – State the Change.
  2. 2 – Listen to Feedback.
  3. 3 – Acknowledge the Feedback.
  4. 4 – Use Emotional Intelligence.
  5. 5 – Explain the Why.
  6. 6 – Define Clear Roles.
  7. 7 – Provide Training.
  8. 8 – Reward Acceptance.

Why do employees resist to change?

Organizational stakeholders will resist change to protect the interests of a group, team friends, and colleagues. It is normal for employees to resist change to protect their co-workers. This could be pure because they sympathize with their friends because of the change that has been thrust upon them.

How do you motivate employees to embrace change?

How do you approach an employee who is resisting change?