Which vitamin is rich in banana?

Vitamin B6: A medium banana gives you about a quarter of the vitamin B6 you should get each day. It helps with metabolism. And it plays an important role in brain development during pregnancy and infancy, as well as immune system health. Vitamin C: You should shoot for between 75-90 milligrams per day.

Which vitamin is highest in orange juice?

Vitamin C
Orange juice is an excellent source of Vitamin C — one cup contains twice the daily recommended value. Vitamin C supports your immune system and may be effective in fighting against the common cold. The folate in orange juice supports healthy fetal development.

Is orange juice high in vitamin D?

Very few foods contain appreciable amounts of vitamin D – fortified orange juice, fortified dairy, eggs, fish, and mushrooms. While orange juice does not naturally contain vitamin D, 8 ounces of fortified orange juice contains 15% of the recommended daily value.

How much vitamin C should I take a day?

The recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 75 milligrams (mg) a day for women and 90 mg a day for men. During pregnancy, 120 mg a day are recommended. The upper limit for all adults is 2,000 mg a day.

Are eggs good for you?

Eggs Are Among the Most Nutritious Foods on the Planet Eggs are loaded with high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals, good fats and various trace nutrients. A large egg contains (10): Only 77 calories, with 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein with all 9 essential amino acids.

What vitamin is milk?

Milk is a good source of thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin B12 . Milk contains small amounts of niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and folate and is not considered a major source of these vitamins in the diet. Milk contains the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

What time of day is best to take vitamin C?

first thing in the morning
While Vitamin C is a largely helpful nutrient, it is a water-soluble nutrient, which is best absorbed when you take them empty stomach. An ideal way would be to take your supplement first thing in the morning, 30-45 minutes before your meal.