Who is owner of Nirma company?

Karsanbhai Patel
The fact that Karsanbhai Patel, founder and chairman of Nirma, began his entrepreneurial journey in the late 1960s by making detergent powder in his backyard and selling door-to-door has become a corporate legend.

Which brand started Karsanbhai Patel?

Low-profile founder of Nirma, Karsanbhai Patel, started out mixing detergents in his backyard and selling them door-to-door on his bicycle. His low-price Nirma brand sparked a detergents war with bigger rivals such as Unilever and Procter & Gamble.

Which brand was launched by Karsanbhai Patel and his daughter?

the Nirma brand
The catchy jingle and the young girl were exactly what Karsanbhai Patel, the founder of the Nirma brand, used to capture India’s attention to and overtake the big names in the market in the early 1980s.

How Karsanbhai Patel conceived the idea of making washing powder?

A one-man company, Karsanbhai would cycle through the neighborhoods selling handmade detergent packets door to door at a price of Rs 3 per kg, (one-third the price of leading detergent brands) and it was his instant success Mantra. Karsanbhai branded his detergent soap, Nirma, after the name of his daughter.

Is Nirma still sold?

An FMCG company that was once a very successful brand and a strong rival of erstwhile Hindustan Lever Limited (now HUL), still enjoys a strong brand recall in the minds of Indian consumers. But despite its strong market position for 30 years, it is now in the declining stage of its product life cycle.

Is Nirma still in market?

But despite its formidable market presence between 1970 and 2000, it is now in the declining stage of its product life cycle. Nirma was born when a chemist (Mr. Patel from Gujarat) manufactured a phosphate free detergent and started selling it locally.

Why is Nirma named Nirma?

Patel named the powder as Nirma, after his daughter Nirupama. Patel was able to sell about 15-20 packets a day on his way to the office on bicycle, some 15 km away. By 1985, Nirma washing powder had become one of the most popular, household detergents in many parts of the country.

Why did Nirma failed?

It failed to retain the interest of the consumers as they started perceiving low-cost products as cheap. With rising disposable incomes, consumers shifted from economy brands to aspirational purchases and Nirma failed to capitalize on this shift.

What is the turnover of Nirma?


Yearly – Nirma Ltd.
Rs (in Crores)
Net Sales Turnover 3247.25 3030.26
Other Income 14.30 8.69
Total Income 3261.55 3038.95

Is Nirma washing powder girl death story?

The Heartbreaking Story Of Nirma Karsan Bhai worked throughout the day and made detergent in the evening. But on an unfortunate day, Nirupama was killed in an accident while walking home from school. Karsan Bhai and his entire family were filled with grief. This was the beginning of the Washing Powder Nirma.

Why is Nirma successful?

The good quality and affordable price made the product a big success and the customers found value in the product. Nirma was a one-man army in the beginning as Patel did almost everything by himself. Even though he was educated and had a government job, he didn’t feel hesitant to sell his product door to door.