What is the word equation for sodium hydrochloric acid?

Search by reactants (Na, HCl)

1 HCl + Na → H2 + NaCl
2 HCl + Na → NaHCl
3 HCl + Na → H2 + Cl:- + Na:+

What is the reaction between sodium and hydrochloric acid?

Sodium reacts with hydrochloric acid to form sodium chloride salt and hydrogen gas.

What is the chemical equation for hydrochloric acid?

Hydrochloric acid [H+(aq) Cl−(aq) or H3O+ Cl−], also known as muriatic acid, is an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride (chemical formula: HCl)….Hydrochloric acid.

Chemical formula HCl(aq)
Appearance Colorless, transparent liquid, fumes in air if concentrated
Odor Pungent characteristic

What is the word equation sodium chloride?

Sodium + chlorine → Sodium chloride.

What type of reaction is CA 2hcl CaCl2 H2?

Type of Chemical Reaction: For this reaction we have a single displacement reaction. Balancing Strategies: In this reaction Calcium (Ca) metal is reacting with Hydrochloric acid (HCl). the Ca replaces the H in HCl and we end up with CaCl2 and H2.

What is the word equation for the reaction of a metal and an acid?

Summary. An acid will react with a metal to form a salt and hydrogen gas. The general word equation for the reaction between an acid and a metal is as follows: acid + metal → salt + hydrogen.

What is the chemical equation for hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide?

Let’s see how a neutralization reaction produces both water and a salt, using as an example the reaction between solutions of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. The overall equation for this reaction is: NaOH + HCl → H2O and NaCl.

Is HCl a balanced equation?

The balanced chemical equation for the hydrogen + chlorine -> Hydrogen Chloride. The equation is balanced as on the reactants side there are two hydrogens present and the same on the products side.

What is a word equation?

A word equation represents a chemical reaction using the names of the substances involved. Word equations do not show any chemical symbols or formulae . In a chemical reaction, reactants are the substances that react together, and products are the substances formed.

What is the word equation for calcium and HCl?

Balancing Strategies: In this reaction Calcium (Ca) metal is reacting with Hydrochloric acid (HCl). the Ca replaces the H in HCl and we end up with CaCl2 and H2.