Where is Yawuru country?

Western Australia
The Yawuru, also spelt Jawuru, are an Indigenous Australian people of the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Who are the traditional owners of Broome?

The Yawuru people are the Native Title holders for the townsite of Broome. For thousands of years Yawuru people have lived along the foreshores of Roebuck Bay, across the pindan plains, as far inland as the Walan-garr (Edgar Ranges) and along the fringes of the Great Sandy Desert.

What country is Broome on?

Broome, also known as Rubibi by the Yawuru people, is a coastal, pearling and tourist town in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, 1,681 km (1,045 mi) north of Perth. The estimated urban population was 13,984 in August 2016. It is the largest town in the Kimberley region.

How was Broome named?

Broome was little more than a few white settlers and a scattering of pearling camps on the mangrove-lined shores of Roebuck Bay when it was gazetted as a town on 27 November 1883 and named after the Governor of Western Australia, Sir Frederick Napier Broome.

What is the Acknowledgement of country Australia?

Reconciliation Australia acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Is Broome a good place to live?

To many, Broome is a fabulous tourist destination, with a great lifestyle, balmy weather, unique pioneering history and pearling industry. Yet there’s a lot more to Broome than just tourism… Broome is fast becoming the destination of choice for industry and commerce and is a great place to live and raise a family.

What is the main industry in Broome?

The economy of Broome is reliant on tourism, with retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services contributing roughly 30% to GRP and employment in the area.

Why is Cable Beach Broome called Cable Beach?

In 1889 an undersea telegraph cable linking Australia to Java and the rest of the world came ashore in Broome; hence the name, Cable Beach.

When should I do Acknowledgement of Country?

An Acknowledgement of Country can be offered by any person and like a Welcome to Country, is given at the beginning of a meeting, speech or event. There is no specific wording for an Acknowledgement of Country, just be sincere and, if possible, do some research on the Country you are acknowledging.

Can anyone do an Acknowledgement of Country?

An Acknowledgement of Country is a statement that shows awareness of and respect for the Traditional Custodians of the land you are on and their long and continuing relationship with the land. Unlike a Welcome to Country, it can be delivered by anyone – Indigenous or non-Indigenous.

Can you swim in Broome?

Answer: The general rule is that you can swim in Broome during the dry season. The reason is that Irukandji and box jellyfish are not active in colder waters. Once the water temperature is over 28 degrees you should definitely stay out of the water.